Royal Resource Limited is established under the laws of the United Arab Emirates in the Jebel Ali Free Trade Zone (JAFZA), an economic center in Dubai and a treasure trove of Fortune 500 companies. With the support of Swiss private funds, aim to reshape the global energy supply chain and provide safer and more controllable energy for the Chinese energy supply market. The company adheres to the core values of advocating and practicing winner never cheat, manners maketh man, and integrity.
中楠能源(Royal Resources) 依据阿联酋法律设立在迪拜的经济中心、世界500强企业竞相聚集的宝地——杰贝阿里自贸区(JAFZA), 瑞士私人基金支持下, 志在重塑全球能源供应链为中国能源供应市场提供更加安全和可控的能源。公司秉承倡导和践行“赢者不欺”“君子明礼”“客观诚信”的企业核心价值观。
Fujairah Oil Terminals FZC (FOT) is a world class 1.177 million cubic meters onshore oil storage facility based in the rapidly developing port of Fujairah, which is located in the United Arab Emirates outside the Straits of Hormuz on the Indian Ocean.
富查伊拉石油码头 FZC (FOT) 是一个世界级的 117.7 万立方米陆上石油储存设施,位于快速发展的富查伊拉港,该港位于阿拉伯联合酋长国印度洋霍尔木兹海峡外。
FOT is an independent third party storage and owned by a group of shareholders including the government of Fujairah.
FOT 是一家独立的第三方仓储设施,由包括富查伊拉政府在内的股东集团所有。