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China PDH Plants

In China, several factories are involved in Propane Dehydrogenation (PDH) processing, including prominent names like Tianjin Bohua,...

PDH Process

The Propane DeHydrogenation (PDH) process is a catalytic process that converts propane into propylene :  PDH process Steps Preheat...

LPG for China PDH market

China's demand for LPG is expected to continue to increase, driven by the expansion of the PDH sector, and the country's LPG imports...


What are the advantages of the Argus CFR Ningbo Index LPG price assessments? The CFR Ningbo Index meets growing demand for a price that...


LPG is a cleaner-burning fuel that can help meet energy needs while addressing concerns on climate change ~60% carbon reduction by...


国际市场上通行的六种LPG定价机制 来源:中国石化杂志 从LPG的上游产业模式出发可知,液化石油气的生产成本与其主要原料页岩气价格紧密挂钩;同时,从LPG下游使用价值的角度,鉴于液化气以民用燃料、烷烃裂解、PDH等为主要终端用途,是原油及其提炼产物的主要替代品,其市场价格又...

LPG to China

China's LPG imports are expected to increase in 2024 and 2025 , and the country's demand for LPG has been resilient despite economic...


Russia's Far East ESPO Blend oil grade has firmed to premium against the Brent benchmark on delivery basis for the first time since...

Beijing Office

Pharan Holding

DES 山东定价


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